From Your Guide


Thank you for being here and living YOUR life. This guided introspection shares a message I feel is paramount for each of us and all of us. There are 8 billion people in this world and the only thing we all have in common is that we are born, we breathe, and we die. Each of us have a sacred responsibility in this life and that responsibility is to live OUR life.

I created this course selfishly to help myself as well as you remember that YOU are the most important person in YOUR life. We only get one life to live. And when I come to the end of mine, I want to be full and satisfied with the life I created and lived. I want to have inspired, infected even, millions of souls to live the life they choose. The life I am living is intentionally filled with joy and laughter and all the things I love most. This way the trials and tribulations that inevitably come with life are easier to get through because they are crowded out with love.

Thank you again for choosing to have a little BMoRaw in YOUR life. I love you. Brandis

Brandis of BMoRaw Shining

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